
Showing posts from June, 2011

Mumbai n me!

After months of preparation and planning, I am in Mumbai at last. It all still feels like a dream. I still feel that I am going to get back home in some time. The only thing I could see from the aircraft were buildings and more buildings. This city is full of people, rich poor ugly beautiful old and young. The roads are always full of vehicles. The life line of this city seems to be the railways! The whole city is divided into east and west by the railway.The rains are so nice! It comes went it desires. Everyone has an umbrella of various size color and pattern. The population here is just too dense. I don't remember seeing any individual houses. But Mumbai has its own spirit! Hope that I fall in love with it soon.

Why I love Chennai

I have been to about a dozen cities in the world. Chennai has always been close to my heart in multiple levels. I enjoy travelling to new places but noting is as beautiful as Chennai. It has a certain vibration and positive feeling to it. Trust me I am not being biased in any sense. There is a list of reasons which made me fall in love compulsively with the city. First thing anyone would suggest tourist to visit in Chennai are the beaches. They are the prima donna of this virgin land. Kissable blue skies, endless limits of water which rubs ones feet and tonnes of shining sands. Pure heaven. There are so many temples in the city, in all possible shapes and sizes. The sweet sound of Tamil. The language has various forms and is very lovely. Personally I am not that good in the language. But people who can indeed speak it well are gifted and on the top of my admire list. Chennai is known for its heat. But it never kills anyone. I makes one shed liters of water. When there is...