How to win the pot of Gold at the end of a rainbow?
One does wonder why some amoung us are great and others not so. Destiny, some might say. But God loves us all; He wouldn’t choose one over the other. There is no carrot and stick approach by God. Thus, it leaves us with that daunting question “Why some great and others not so?” We all get up every morning with a purpose and a grand plan. Just that Bill Gates tells it to the world and most others don’t. We don’t tell not because we don’t know the purpose of our existence. We shy away in thought of what others might think. For example, I wake up every morning in hopes that one fine day I could become a writer. But I wouldn’t have voiced it out to many, because at multiple levels I doubt my purpose myself. Lack of trust in ones dreams; this is a pandemic. The reason for all this is that all that we love to do or feel is the purpose of living need not be a good and dependable source of bread and butter. Maslow’s hierarchy rightly stated that only when you have the basic nec...