
Showing posts from March, 2008

In A Life Full Of Care

There is a famous saying, "In this life full of care there is no time to stand and stare." This is very true. We are all running behind things we love n things which love us. Humans always are on the eternal quest to find ultimate happiness. In order to find this so called ultimate happiness we have to understand what happiness means. it does not refer to the search or attainment of wealth or knowledge or love of a dear one. People have often thought of the above mentioned three things as yardsticks for reaching cloud nine. This is not true. This reminds me of a story about a a rich merchant. This is how it goes....... Once there was a rich merchant named Shantha Kumar. however the SHANTHI(=peace in Hindi) was only in his name. Despite of all the wealth, good health and high amount of power and education he was always unhappy. He wanted to solve the problem once and for all. So he went to a sage and reported his problem."Ho wise sage! I am a very rich and influ

A Beautiful Story

One evening a young woman went alone to walk barefoot by the ocean after the sun had set. She stopped i n her path and turned so she could see the footsteps she had left i n the sand. But they had already been washed away by the waves. When she turned to continue her walk, she was startled by the presence of an old woman wrapped i n a blanket who out of nowhere appeared sitting by a f i re, slowly paging through the leaves of a leather covered book. She walked up to the woman and asked. "Where d i d you come from? I didn't see you here a moment ago. And how d i d you start th i s f i re so quickly?" Her quest i ons went unanswered but were instead met w i th a reply i n a serene voice, "S i t with me, child. I have something to show you." As the young woman sat down beside the f i re, the mysterious stranger handed her the book. She curiously turned the pages one by one and was amazed to discover they contained the story of her whole Life from the


Hello to the world out there....this is my attempt to put forth my view n take on life on the intricate n complex yet highly habitable blog here starts my journey....i wish to share with the world the small things that i have learnt to love and hate about life.....