A women's guide to types of men.
Before I start I must say this is totally my take and I might be absolutely wrong. Any resemblance to real life characters is unwarranted and not intentional. So sit back relax and enjoy the post with least reservation what so ever. This post is very biased towards women, I m sorry guys! But you can read it and beat me up any time! (I don't mean it :P) The cucumber: A women must love this guy. I mean who doesn't love a man who can smile even when a girl smashes his car right into a tree? But the sad part is these men are far and few in-between. There is a problem though. Since he are mr. cool they will never understand why we become angry. The poor soul will be left clueless. The ability to understand a woman's anger is a vital skill. The poor soul lacks it. If you don't really get angry often he is the one! The winner: Behind every successful man is a woman or so they say. The fact is if a man is into a woman during ...