The Gender Divide

The gender divide is a topic which has been spoken by many people over and over again yet it is still an issue. Here I am not talking about the equal oppurtunities or any other such thing. Instead I am here to steam about the general notion of seperating both the genders i mean this both physically and emotionally. This topic might seem irrelavent or unnecessary to anyone who is not an Indian or lived with so Indian valeues in ones head. It is true that in every culture that childern are asked to keep away from strangers that is indeed a good thing. But most children in India are asked to keep away from the opposite sex frm when they reach their teenage. This develops a sort of divide between the two genders and a lack of communication. This is the reason why we get to read so many cases of molustation in the newspapers today. For a country which came up with the Kamasuthra n Thiruvalluvar's Kamapaal we have not progressed in fact we have decayed as a society in this acpect. I hope that soon this so called gender barriers break and that we will b able to interact with the opposite gender freely n more efficiently without any kind of bias.


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