The Old And Moblies

Now-a-days we are able to see the advent of many new technologies. There is a new mobile launched every other day. Our phones have changed from being just calling devices to pure all-rounder. Let it be music or photos or business of Internet name it we have got it on our finger tips on our mobiles. There are so many phones with so many diverse features but it leads me to wonder " Does anyone know and have the need to use a full featured phone?" Well the answer to my question was soon obtained thanks to an unknown stranger. One fine April morning I was waiting for my college bus to arrive that is when a middle aged lady around 40-45 years of age came up to me and asked me to her her use her daughter's phone. It was mutimedia phone the Nokia's N-series. Sadly she didnt not even know how to unlock the fone. So i did help her. She did answer my quesion. Even my mother inspite of being a degree holder does not take any kind of facination to keep updating her phone or her i-pod. She perfers a so called simple phone and walkman. I thought that it ws an isolated phenomenon but sadly it is not. Most people above the age of 35 do not bother to keep in touch with technology. It is not that they are not capable it is just that they are not interested. Well i dont like to tell that al that ive stated above is true for one and all. But this is true in most cases. Wellwhat ever the story new tecnology sells like hot cakes so noone complains:)....


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