The Rule of Rain

All of us can agree on one thing:"The rain causes many hassles and problems yet I have eternal love for it." For a person who lives in urban India the above statement is absolutely true.It makes all men slave to its magnificent beauty and unmeasurable power.When it rains a farmer would thank the rain Gods. By some way or the other the rain has inspired all of us It has kindelled different emotions of love pride frustration and joy either by its presence or absence. The rain has for long been the topic of dicussion in places like the parliment to the mind of a poet. Why all this fuss about a part of nature i would think till i read the following poems:

There will be rain

There will be rain here
We normally run for shelter
Who wants to be wet in the rain
And look like a helpless chick in the drain?

There will be rain
And we will be seeking shades under the trees
And run towards waiting sheds where the rain
Cannot harm our sensibilities,

There will be rain and more rains to come
In our lives, and we always run for secure
Shelters, and we always have umbrellas,
And raincoats, and closed cars, we hide to places
Where The rain cannot harm us,

But today, there is rain, and I will take
Another action, I will not run for shelter,
Or take shades in trees, or be in waiting sheds,
I will not even open my car, get into it and close it,

I am not afraid of rain now; I have no fears getting wet
And look like a helpless chick, I will run in the
Middle of the rain, I will play in the rain, I will
Be with the rain throughout its pouring,
I will be wet, and it will rain and rain,
Let it rain and rain and rain
You will not see, my tears falling, tears hiding in the rain.


Have you ever noticed why it always rains during a very sad scene in movie and at times even in real life.It is as though the God is trying to be a funny weather man. Is he teasing my failiure ho no! God would not do that to anyone.For he is all the LOVE in the world.The rain in ma condolence when I am sad and my gift when I m happy.In all ways it has made me fall in love with it at the first smell and look of rain.I shall tell you one more thing.Berfore I was worried when it used 2 rain not any more.I dont run to the shade of an umbrella of a tree or a buliding rather I do the reverse.Some people may think that I have flipped my lid.Not so my friends.The rain is a gift of god.Every time it touches me I can fell the message of God in it.It is Gods way of showering his children with loveNext time it rains and you all have spare time do get wet.I promise you it will be a divine experience if you dont trust me ask a small kid next door.For it was a small kid a small poor one who inspired this new love for rain in me.

The Funeral's Rain

The day comes
The preparations have been done
They come walking in
Black clothes
Black skies
Cloudy hearts
Stepping outside
The rain gives in
The umbrellas flip open
The sound of thunder awakens the spirits
The rain pours harder
Tears mix in with the Earth's water
Why does it always rain at a funeral?
For surely no one picks a date when it will rain
Even if one does
No one can fully predict the weather
No matter how hard one tries
So... why does it always rain at a funeral?
Perhaps it is a sign
A divine awakening
A divine cleansing of a new life
In the heavenly skies
As the spirit rises to God
While we mortals blindly watch the lowering of the casket
The rain clouding our eyes
Bringing forth the smell of the Earth
Reminding us why we are here
And what this Earth has given us...
So... why does it always rain at funerals?
Perhaps it is God's tears
Tears of celebration
Tears of joy
Of God's long awaiting
For those beloved pure souls
Yet we mortals weep
In agony and pain
Not fully realizing
That the departed has gone
Gone only from our Earth
And entered another dimension of the infinite universe
Where dreams of angels come alive

Diana Poems

Once I was going back to my home from college at that time it suddenly rained heavily. Thank God I had an umbrella.Or so I thought.I saw a small boy getting wet in the rain with his mother.They didnt look too rich or well of so i thought that they didnt hav an umbrella and felt sorry for them.But when I crossed the small boy I heard what he said which actually made an ever lasting mark in my heart."Mother I fell said for that girl(refering to me).God has given her goon health,body mind and education but he forgot to teach her to enjoy the rain!"he saidHis mother replied"She is wearing good clothes and hence would not like to get wet".He said " What is the use of good clothes when we are not allowed to get the gift of almighty." I smiled at that boy and went away.What he said in true.Inorder to protect our so called valuble clothes and jewellary we forget to enjoy the gift of God.


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