Music and life!

I am a very passionate veena player. Even the basic chords when played by maestros like Gayathri or Rajesh Vaithiyar can make my heart leap. For the sake of this instrument I started to learn vocal. At first I was very reluctant because I have always believed that I am not a good singer. But in some period of time music made me confident. It slowly is making me into a new person. I was more short tempered and ill mannered before. I think that music has tamed me so artistically yet so accurately. I found how to maintain the tempo in my life when I learned the Thalam. I also taught me the art of time management-“What to be done when within what time interval”. The shruthi taught me to take things from the inside. When something is external it is too artificial and hurts your heart. But when the thought (in life) and sound (in music) is form the inside it can make you feel divine.
In order to play any instrument you must be a decent singer. Similar in order to be a successful person in life we must first be a complete human .In every aspect of it I can see music in par with "The guru of life!” Even to listen to certain to certain songs we need basic qualification (in sense of music knowledge).I thought that music was for the Grey haired people. Not so! Not any more. It is the easiest way we can connect with the god in us. So give music a chance! If you want to live your life to the fullest go learn music....


  1. Hi friend.. Nice blog with interesting contents.. Do visit my blog and post your comments.. Also i have added you to my blog roll.. Hope you too will do the same..Thank you.. Cheers!!!

  2. next time when we meet you must singe a song for me:)


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