Success...Enjoy it

We all know that success in not some kind of a permanent event.It is rather very volatile.These are the words of a real winner.......

When you come to me,
You make me fell ecstasy,
I believe that I am the best,
You give me unmeasured joy.
You make old forgotten friends say we,

You make me feel that all is right A to Z,

You can make my home as cozy as a nest,
You made me feel like a truant boy.
Some people say not to take you to the head,
Well how can I not?

You have sunken into me,

Quiet deep and good.

This overdose of happiness; i feel like a newly wed,

Oops I hope I don't get caught,

Why don't other let things be?

Please let me rake in this mood.

For I have succeeded today,
Where people said "Victory?No way!",

So let me soak up the victory,
Before all of it becomes history,

As I am warned that all this is temporary,

So why cry and go all awry?

Success may not be here to stay,
But let my enjoy it all the way.


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