Tamil Padam

Despite of several warning from my near and dear about the nature of the film i did go and see it. I did not have great expectations about the movie. But it was a decent movie. It is for those with a light heart and enjoy watching zero logic movies. By zero logic i do not mean the movies in which the protagonist hits a battalion of people which contains people who arr 10 times as strong as him. I mean the jokes and their placement. The whole movie was a spoof of the past Tamil movies. Everyone from Rajinikanth to the new leaves life Nakul were targeted.

The first half was a laughing riot.My favorite was the tetra pack kalli pal. I was happy that i came for the movie in the first half but smile started to fade soon in the second half. It actually became a little irritating. It was a good movie but could have been much better.

It is strictly for people who can laugh and slap stick comedy and don't have high expectations from the movie. It is surely worth a watch.I am very happy that Tamil cinema has progressed to the stage where it laughs at itself and sees its own flaws.


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