Stop Thinking! Start Being!

For long I have wondered at nature’s miracle. How the actually cope with all this is a wonder, absolute miracle. Just imagine a life perennially on a median with sparse or no nourishment and exposed to the most harsh weather. Yet they live to the fullest. As I exclaimed: Just pure MAGIC.
I think you got a grip of what I am talking about. None other that the humble plants on the road side and medians. They may be cut, slaughtered, refused of love and what not yet they give only love in return.  I have always imagined a parallel universe where plants and animals rule over man. What goes around comes around.
We have ruled this planet for a long time and made a big mess of it. We are rather selfish when compared to the other animals and more benevolent plants. They keep giving so must love despite the cruelties we do to them.
If we wonder why all this a superficial answer would be man is just too smart. He is the fittest and he will survive. But is that true? Dig in deeper and the answer would be EGO. Might sound absurd at first but it is very true. Man has always assumed that he is the best in the whole of the world. Now he is slowly conquering the universe or so he thinks.
The universe is kind on us. Despite our acts of disrespect and spitefulness all it keeps giving is care and love. A joke I read few years ago is something I won’t ever forget. Few years down in the future man has become highly evolved and reached the pinnacle of technological development. At that time a scientist goes to God and challenges him that he is at par with God and can do anything that God can. God said “Create a new life form.” The scientist grinned and took sand in his hand to create new life. God smiled and said “Well I made the sand too!”
That joke made me feel humble and realize the presence of God. God not in sense of human form as in place of worship, but as an unfathomable power from above. We take the love from above for granted and give back nothing but hate
It is high time we realize our follies and return love back to God. Why send rockets to space to see where else we can live when the people back on earth have not even a roof to live under. Science is good but gone far too greedy. Lets be simple lets learn to love all that is on earth. From virus to whale love them all, for all of them participate in the huge cycle of life. All beings but man live naturally and love God the way God loves them. It is but man who has gone awry. But we can change if we want to. For God will forgive and forget. We might be smart and be able to do many things but the more we move away from the being the more we invite destruction. So stop thinking! Start Being!  


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