Things that I learnt in College

I studied biology in my 12th with hopes of becoming a bio technologist somewhere down the line i don't know what happened but I took I.T. in SJCE. No one really expected that I would do that. Frankly I myself didn't expect that from me. When I sat in front of that computer screen for counseling in Anna University it just hit me. It might sound stupid or lame or just too romantic a decision for many. I lefts C.S.E. and took I.T.(Most people think that C.S.E. is better. God knows why!). Even the guy who was to allot the seat to me seemed quite confused. I don't know why i left Bio Tech in S.V.C.E. and took I.T. in SJCE. I think I will never understand. I tend to follow my heart that way I never regret cause I did something I love. I am rational at most time except when it come to main things in life like my career, my friends and where I study just follow my heart. 

I do not know if I remember all that I learnt in the course. But college taught me a lot on life and acceptance. It made me more mature and ready to handle things better. Not that I am like perfect now but I am surely better than what I was on 5 Sept 2007. I can still remember my first day in college. I didnt like it. I felt really very alone in this herd of people so lost. Everyone from an engineering college will understand by what i mean being lost. Huge buildings scattered thought acres of land thousands of people in college we tend to miss that cozy feeling that school gives us.There are some things that i college taught me:

  • Do not judge people with their looks. Most people are all dolled up and look so confident and smart. Trust me they are mostly lifes best losers.
  • No one likes being alone. Most people need company just to go to the rest room. I still don't know why. I enjoy my personal space and being alone as much I enjoy being with friends. People who are found with a flock of people are not only popular but also scared of being alone.
  • I have never had that one best friend from first year down to now. Even my parents have asked why my list of best friends gets edited now and then. Frankly I don't know. I guess that people change with time, so did I and my friends. There is no such thing as best friends forever.
  • No one eats alone. I have at times not that I enjoy it. But I know people who would rather skip food than eat lone(mostly girls).. Weird!
  • Looking good is all that matters to most people. It matters to me too. But not to the extent that I out between periods to the rest room to comb my hair, wash my face and redo all the make up. I just found out that people who are the most conscious about their looks are those who deep down are not confident about their it.  
  • I came to know this whole new concept of relationships and how complicated they are. We gossip most time about who is with whom especially about the perfect couples and the not so perfect. I never can understand how people change their partners so fast without regret and have the courage to face them every day. I initially stayed away from such people. But I soon found out that their type out numbered mine. But then it dawned to me. Why must I care about someone elses relationship and whom they are with now, before or will be in the future. I learnt to like and respect people for what they are. Relationship of any type is their preference. In a way I started to admire their courage to follow their heart(if they followed it).
  • I learnt that all that is said is not true. At most times people lie in anger, jealousy or just for the mere fun of spreading a rumor. They lie a lot. I used to be stupid enough to make judgments based on others words. Well I now know that I am no one to judge.
  • It's ok when your teacher does not like you(there are some staff who would love to kill me!). I am not perfect. I am the way I am. There are some people who bend and mend to get into good books of teachers. Well I too tried, but I found out that more I act the more unhappy I am. I am happy only when I am myself. I dont really care anymore if my teachers think that I am the devils embodiment.
  • I learnt that dont judge people by their looks. Some people never used to talk to me. I used to think that they are snobbish and they thought the same about me. Well I found out that most of them in that list are wonderful people.
  • Dont judge people with their names. I heard a few names loved it and thought they were really handsome but truth is bitter.
  • I learnt to appreciate beauty and leave the ugly to fix and heal itself if it can. 
  • I used to think crying in public is a big no no. Well all that broke in college. I have cried around 6 time to what I can count. Mostly lame stuff. Crying removes my pain. I need not act strong in front of others.
  • I dreamt of this beautiful class with lovely class mates. Well my story was half true. The classes were good. There were so many instance when I felt like murdering some people. Then I learnt that I need not like everybody and everybody need not like me.
  • I found out that most.. nah! all people are selfish. I was not selfish in the beginning but joined the crowd soon. Now I think that there is nothing wrong in being selfish with people we hardly just know. We can be selfless to the people we love.
  •  I danced for the first time in front of so many people in my life in college. I never used to try things I am bad at. But I tried a lot like singing, dancing and organizing. I am still bad at all of that but I am happy that I had the guts to try.
  • I lost the fear of exams. There were too many to worry about.
  • I understood that people don't die if they skip a meal(hope that mom does not read this one)
  • I learnt that helping people whom you hate a lot in exam or in some sense makes you happier.
  • I learnt that I am not beautiful on the outside(i really was never on the hot girls list or even near it) but learnt that it's ok if I am not Ms. Hot and Sensational.
  • I met so many kind and loveable people. If there is one person I must mention then its Mithuna. A person whom I will never forget. I have never met someone with so much patience. She has always been there for me ever since 2nd yr. I wish we were sisters or something.
  • I got so many friends. Listing few names would be unfair.
  • I learnt to take local buses and trains.
  • I learnt to bowl better and watch movie(thanks to Mithuna).
  • I learnt that I need not always excel in my studies.
  • I learnt to goof up.
  • I learnt to play pranks.
  • I had some of the best sleep overs and trips of my life.
  • I loved the group study.
  • I loved the last min filpping of pages.
  • I learnt to sleep in middle of the class with so mush noise flat on the desk.
  • I learnt to forgive and accept people for what they are.
  • I learnt to how to copy without getting caught.
The list is endless. I dont remember even 50% of the subject names I studied but I remember 100% of each face and characters I met in college. I tried my best not to use names. Sorry Mithuna without your name mentioned somewhere I couldn't write. College is about to end. Everyone grumbled but i am happy and grateful. I know every wall, bench and plant in college. I loved 4 years there. I had bad and good times. Whatever may it be, it contributed to whatever I am today. Well it's all fate(in the good sense) that we all had to be in the same college in the same time. I still don't know why I took I.T. over  bio tech. But I do not regret any thing. I just want to thank  the Almighty for everything. I hope that my P.G. shapes me into a better human being. Touchwood!


  1. Nice to see that you took so lessons from your college... I was kiddish when I completed my College... Most of your points are true and you are still under the incubation of your parents... Now you are in the verge of facing the real world...

    When you walk out of that incubation you will see lot more cruel, crazy & selfish people... It is your smartness to adapt & that too adapt quickly...

    From now your will have daily experience which you had in 4 years...

    Keep writing...

  2. True anand! I have this sudden lust to write again just a feeling hope that the feeling lasts. I can already see the change in people. Its like fend for yourself. Darwin was true I think. "Survival of the fittest"

  3. i enjoyed reading it...i felt like watchin a short film abt SJCE .Gud work...keep goin:)

  4. luvely madhu,. i never expect tis story from ur side yaar,. me 2 experinced most of de things u did,.

  5. 2 say it openly,. konjam aathmarthama irunthathu,.

  6. @aju: Thanks:)..
    @vino: Thanks. Just wrote the truth without hurting others by any sense :)


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