Stop judging, start living

I cannot find a word short of “miracle” to describe what one month of yoga has done to me. Like every other person in 20’s, I too believed that yoga is for the old and jobless. I was more interested in the intellectual part of spirituality. I was shying away from experiencing peace within me. But I left all inhibitions and threw away my preconceived notions. At most times all of us have opinions about everything even before we know what it is. It took a lot of convincing and acceptance to throw my notions about yoga.

My very first session of yoga was 2 fort nights ago. It felt divine. I am a huge fan of discourses by Osho. I have read a lot of his work. Every time there was an emphasis on experience of God through yoga and meditation. I never took it seriously. It was always the intellectual side that fascinated me the most.  I can still remember as if it is all happening now in the present how it felt to stretch every muscle of my body. The sad part is most of my muscles were inflexible and unused. I loved the peace and relaxation that Savaasan gave me. I felt that all the strain due to stretching was removed and my entire body felt rejuvenated.

The best part was saved for the last: meditation. I have heard of effects of meditation and satsang on one’s mind and body. The only time I had experienced it was in the meditation hall in Isha foundation (Coimbatore). The first time I meditated I had tears in my eyes. Not tears of anguish or frustration but because I surrendered to the ethereal without any resistance what so ever.

Even though I get up late most mornings I try to find at least 15 minutes to meditate. It makes me feel like a freshly grown grass in the monsoon. I hope that this new found peace grows and makes me stronger. I am not advertising yoga. All that I want to say is, please do not judge things beforehand. Give things the benefit of doubt. Go try things that you always thought was uncool or not your type. Keep expanding your horizon and you will find new hobbies, passion and touchwood even new love. So stop judging and start living.


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