For One More Day

There are few books that touch your heart, and they become a part of you for ever. I want to surrender to the author for handling this subject so beautifully. For the mis-fortunate who have not read the book yet here's a briefing:

This is a story of a man named Chick @ Charles Benetto is man who is like most others. He was always embarrassed of the woman who loved him the most: Mom. He chose to be dad's son. We all make decisions but, the repercussions that they have on us will unfold only with time.  Sadly, Chick's decision was to end his life. He took that decision because he was a former baseball player who's career had a downward graph, he lost money in his business, hated his job, separated from his wife and was unwanted by his daughter even on her wedding day.

He tries to kill himself but ends up meeting his mother at some point between life and death. His mother passed away 8 years before his suicide attempt. But he got to spend a day with his mother where he learnt things. Things like why she never told that; she worked as a maid to pay up his college fee, why his parents divorced, why Posey(his mother) never remarried and so many other unsaid things.

He finally got to say to his mother that she was indeed a very good mother to him and his sister. This is one of the most well written and soulful books i have read in the recent past. After "Thousand splendid suns" this is a book which made me cry. 

I never cried for Chick or for Posey. But for Madhu and Shanthi. There were so many instances in my life when I did almost the same mistakes that Chick did: "I did not stand up for mom". There are moments when I pushed her away, demeaned her as less ambitious and said things that I should have not. But despite all that she way always there for me and still is my greatest inspiration. My dad would ask " Are you mom's child or dad's?" Frankly I still do not know. My mom would say "Children are not to choose." So I never did. The book brought me to tears for the sins I had done unknowingly and the moments I have lost(which I should have spend with my mother). 

My mother is a very strong and beautiful woman. My family is lucky to have her. Sometimes I wonder what I would be without her. I have spent most of my life with her. It feels odd that I choose to move away from the person I love the most. I m wondering if it was a wrong decision. May be may be not. All that I know is, I love her a lot and that she will stand by me even if the sky's falling. My mother does not read my blog. But I secretly hope that she reads this post.

This book made me realize so many things. I generally do not write any personal opinions out loud. Well everything has a start. I would suggest this book for all those who are not shy of discovering the sentiments within them. As for the rest I suggest that you can pass this one for now.


  1. hey u r really frank and open.. cool madhu..

  2. Thank u . . .Try the book. Its kind of nice provided u are as senti as I am ;)


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