My Secret 21 days Experiment: Day 1 and 2

I have always loved Osho just for his thought. How can a man think like that? Different for sure, yet so right, so insightful. Of all my recent decisions, a really cool one was to take a 21 day online course on meditation by Osho. Here is the scoop from day 1 and2:

  • Love the calming music
  • Love it that it is short and sweet
  • The first day exercise given to us was about awareness. It actually worked. I was aware of what I was eating and I stopped stuffing my body with food. I am aware of what I am typing and hence lesser typos. I can feel the texture of the keyboard
  • I have never heard Osho's voice. Honestly I imagined it stronger and bolder. The man in my head sounded so. I am getting used to his odd diction and pronunciation
  • The second day was about love and relationships
  • I loved the distinction between love and relationships
  • There is a human urge to cut down chances of change and hence the need to settle down
  • Fear of unknown compelling us to settle for the known
  • There are 2 exercises for today: Love onself, love your partner
  • I will surely try the first exercise. After so many unexpected turns in my life I think I need it. I need to re-learn to love the new me. Me as I am. All 165 cms and 65 Kgs of me!
Really excited about day 3! :)

P.S.: The course is free, do join in if you want to make your own journey.


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