Bright Blue Bus

I should have missed the bus,
I should have got up late,
I should have called a day off,
I should have taken a cab.

Of all that I could have done,
I came in that bus,
Ugly hideous blue bus,
Not to mention the bad seats.

The journey of 22 km,
Standing in the whole way,
On black stilettoes,
Hands over rusted rod.

My eyes stared out,
Yours stared at me,
Piercing through me
Hoping that I will give you the attention you deserve.

My hair flew in the wind,
As if grew a pair of wings,
Fluttering with joy,
Tempting you to grab it.

You stretched your hands,
In hopes to touch me,
You smiled and winked at me,
Lips frowned when I dint notice.

The attention seeker,
The cutest one in that bus,
With dimpled cheek,
You were a heart throb.

I did see you,
A little while later,
It was love at first sight,
I gave a beaming smile.

In the blue bus,
Of all sad and detached people,
You made my day,
You made me fall in love.

I too longed to hold you tight,
Watch you smile,
Fiddle with your hands,
And never leave your side.

But I quickly saw,
That you can never be mine,
Another woman held you tight,
With no intentions to let go.

I was secretly jealous,
And absolutely longed,
But to have,
A son like you.


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