The five people you meet in heaven by Mitch Albom

So what actually happens after we die? I bet that most of you out there would have pondered about this atleast once. Well most of us are satisfied with the imagination of floating in clouds. But don't you think that there must be more significance to death than just floating around clouds with a harp in white clothes?!?

Well Albom surely thinks that there is more to it. The previous book of his was rather very moving. I expected the same out of this book. I was shocked, pleasantly. This book is a beautiful journey which is neither to dramatic for the emotionally shy and nor to dry for those with feelings.

This is a story of Eddie a 83 year old man who works in an amusement park as a maintenance guy. He dies in an attempt to save a little girl from an accident. After his death he meets 5 people. These people have in someway or another affected his life.

I have always believed that lives are interwoven into a beautiful net. Ever action one performs will have a profound effect on others, even the unborn. This story reflects this theme and in a way explains the purpose of heaven. 

Heaven is not a to place to chill out. But it is a process of understanding ones life. There are many things one doesn't understand in course of the life on earth. This lack of understanding causes emotional stress and at times might lead the person to take wrong decisions. After death Eddie gets to meet 5 people who are also were very much a part of his life. These people revel parts of his life he never knew.

I suggest that everyone must have a read. Its small yet convincing. Not a sentimental tale, I promise! It is a nice journey through life of "Eddie Maintenance". In someways it makes one ponder about one's own life. 

E Book link:


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