I wish i were a BOY!

For long I have always started writing on this topic but stopped mid way and shoved it under the carpet. But I feel the urge to write about it today. To be a girl in India is a perfect example of oxymoron. It is said that our nation respects women and worships them. The sad fact is that none of it is true. I am not here to accuse all the good men out there with no concern over them what so ever. At the same time I want to shed light over the under belly of this glorification of status of women in India.

Recently there are many articles about liberation of women in Middle east. Well, lets face an honest question: Are women in middle east the ONLY ones who are suppressed? Cross your heart and tell the truth. How many women here can say that they enjoy equal rights at home and society. Most women don't feel safe when they travel alone even in day. Though women are economically liberated it all comes with a cost.

Whether we acknowledge it or not, prejudice does exist and we have learnt to live with it. Being the tolerant Indian woman, I have become numb to this phenomenon. To take up a personal example, I wanted to do an MBA. My parents were kind enough to allow me to pursue the same. But not without clauses. I personally would have loved it if I worked for 2 years then pursued my education. Well that would be too late for my wedding wouldn't it? Or so they believe.

I have always believed that wedding is a union of hearts and is done to seek a life long companion. Sadly we Indians view weddings as a joint venture. There are multiple rules and laws to be followed in a wedding. Sometimes I wonder if I need the same.

Sorry to digress from the topic. This is bound to happen when one speaks from the heart and stops ones mind. The point I tried to prove is that despite of hailing from a well educated family, I have my own set of restrictions because I am a GIRL. Were I a boy the whole game plan would have been different.

In many a ways I feel that I am forced by the society to behave in a certain way. It gives immense pressure,  makes me angry and depressed. I am the lucky few who has access to higher education and certain level of equality. There are many girls out there who are not even sent to school.

Eve was made from the rib of Adam, because she was to protect his heart. Well, its the eve race which needs a lot of protection now. There is a sequence of hurdles to be faced by a girl child:
  • Birth by itself is an uncertainty as female infanticide still prevails.
  • When they are born they are thought of as a burden by the parents themself.
  • Most women are denied access to education. Society looks down upon women and fools her to think low of herself.
  • Beyond all this when a woman grows up the social ladder she faces people who say all women are bad drivers, people who say that she got to where she is by using her charm and what not.
The list is hurtful and endless but vaguely familiar. I might have laid heavy accusation, but these are issues we must look into. Men are not bad. It is the purview of the society. It must change for the good of mankind. I used to (still at times still do) secretly wish "What if I were a BOY!" 


  1. Well written, Especially with marriage and education.. A voice of many, cries of a majority but seldom heard.. good job madhu.. +1


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