Urban turban

I had recently gone to a stage play by Evam group. I had intended to see their Five point someone but could not find time to do so.I was immensely delighted that at last I was going to their play.I have heard my friends sing their parise hence they had aroused my curiosity.The play was in Alliance Franchise in Nugabakkam.I liked the was the auditorium was.It had wooden steps to sit on.It gave a nice theater feeling.

Frankly speaking I had expected a play.Urban turban was a stand up comedy.I didn't make a face at first but not for too long.Karthik is indeed the hero of the troupe.He has this effortless delivery methodology.I m not conservative at the same time not broadminded enough to listen to someone talking about things like men's rest rooms or urinating or sex.But Karthik did make me listen.With a light hearted and jovial sense.It was hilarious i must say.His part was at the start and at the end.Clever placing I must say.Karthik! You not have an ardent fan.

After Karthik was
Shannon McDonnell(Born in Canada, lived in the USA, and now in India). She had a flair in narrating.One main flaw was that she was too stereotypical in her point of view.She also had that air 'Yuck India is so in the past!' attitude.Her narration was painfully long too.May be it must have been made shorter.

After that one new person cane on stage.I am sorry to say that i cant even remember his name.It was a soulful attempt but seriously he made me sleepy.Nothing more to talk about him.That is the part of the play when I repented paying rs 150.

Sunil Vishnu is the director of the play.He was on stage only for some time but stole the audience completely.All in all it was a nice experience.It has induced me to try another play.



  1. Madhu,

    Grab a seat for me if you get a chance for FPS of Evam group!


  2. Hi Madhu,

    I saw Urban Turban's opening show in Bangalore. That it wasn't a play but a stand-up act took me by surprise, too. I enjoyed it overall, but felt that the promos of the show hadn't given an accurate enough description of it.

  3. @Shuchi:Your true! Promos were misleading actually! But i did have my share of fun! All credits to Karthik.
    Evam group are good at plays but best at advertising.So just follow daily papers you will indeed be able to catch their plays.

  4. Nice write up about Urban Turban. It motivated me to watch this play.

    Happy Blogging!

  5. this is very good for you, ybg :)


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