Super singer junior 2

     Life has become bizarre with the advent of new technology and how it interacts with us. Reality shows which originated in the west are the rage in India now. There are many annoying shows in that list like emotional hatyachar(utv bindass) or Manada Mayil aada(Kalainar tv) or Raki ki swayamvar(NDTV Imagine) splits villa (Mtv) it is endless. However one show with is very close to my heart is Airtel super singer junior. I have followed this show from when I had first commenced.
     This show is any like any other singing contest where the contestants are either selected or rejected. Rather it learning process they grow as singers and bloom as people. Music can bring in sea of change in you and if the best in it can train amateurs for free and you also get fame it is God sent isn't it? Balamurali Krishna, Sudaragunathan, Nithyashree, Aruna Sriram so on and so forth. The every joy of singing in front of such titans is worth more than the value of the final award. The finalists get attention, which they can turn into a successful career.
     As in regard to this season I must mention the panel of judges. Chitra, Mano and Malgudi Shuba are both proficient singers and nice people. Chitra is my dream singer and for many other singing in front of them must be a dream come true.
     Another special mention must be given to Ananth Vaithiyanathan the voice expert. His passion towards music and commitment towards his job is highly evident. Not all will get opportunity to be sculpted by such a man. He knows how to shape your voice and make you give the best that you can. The voice of various contestants has showed marked improvement after his efforts.

     The whole show is lovable and its motive is lovable. On a whole the contestants have more to get than to lose. They might have to spend a few sleepless nights to cope up and move ahead in the competition and to actually take part in it. Mostly the shooting is during the nights in the weekend. It becomes a problem when kids are the contestants. That is but a minor problem considering a life time worth experience they get. If you too are a fan continue seeing it. If not at least give it a shot. It is worth it.


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