Love song for Osho

This was a book which was in some was very special. I would not say that this book rendered my life and was ground shaking but it gave me a glimpse of what life is for a sanyasin. I used to have a crazy idea that I can become a saint(when i was young not now though). I was amazed when I used to hear about austerity that the Indian monks upheld to become one with God. My idea about God has been very dynamic. I my young age I used to think that God did not exist. But then slowly I became a run in the mill devotee. As I grew up I got exposed to books and discourses by many enlightened people. I got to know that there are many ways to reach God. He's within us. All we have to do is connect with the divine in us.

This book gave me a glimpse of how a life a sanyasin  would be. "Ma Devika Anand" wrote this book very modestly. I wonder how a woman from England ends up in India and forever in love with Osho. I have read books by him. I wish he lived longer so that I could have felt his presence. 

I cannot understand and assimilate how a woman can leave her love, life, profession and family all for the search of the divine. That is some childhood fancy of mine that I never voiced out in fear that I might be seen as a rebel in the family. I am in a way jealous of her courage and how she chose love for divine over love for mortals. I can never do that. I want to be a good daughter, better wife and the best mother. I want to fill my heart. People are busy through their life filling their mind, heart and pocket. Some chose to fill their life with love for the divine.

The book by itself has nothing much mentioned in it. Just important events in her life. Most people would shun away such a life. But I am in love with that idea. May be my heart is always used to desire for things that I wont anyway do. I lack that courage to choose love for God over love for mortal. I am at peace with my decision. God's love is infinite. He loves me whether or not I reciprocate it- selfless and divine. Osho says "Death is fiction". Soul always lingers. As an educated person I am not able to believe this but I wont say something does not exist just because I do not know it.

This book is  journey of a woman in search of God. She does find God within herself. I loved the book for its simple narrative and sheer determination of the woman. Osho says that "Energy flows downwards". I am happy to be down. Even now I type that he says and not as said. That shows the effect that the book had on me. This book is not for all. It s only for those who want to liberate them self from the miserable life they are in. Osho says " Even the mundane is mediation". I am going to take up a practice I love and make it my meditation. I love to write. But I used to do that from my head. Every time I used to be worried about the alignment and spellings. Not anymore. This is my first post where I have tried to listen to my heart and shut down my brain. Sorry if there is not much description about the book. All I can say is that I loved the book but I would not recommend it for the people who take to new ideas and are not firm about them.

I always wanted to disconnect from life go away from this all for just a week in every year. Most friends think its not possible for a gregarious person like me. I don't like noise but I enjoy music. I am a bad dancer but I can sway my body to tunes I love. I would love to go on a rejuvenating meditative holiday. I will do it when time comes. Osho says that we all are travelling horizontally in time but when we feel the divine time becomes vertical. In easier English it means that time gets frozen when we connect with  God. Once we connect with God there is no turning back. Hope I find the God within me.


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